Street view of City Hall

City Clerk

City Archives

The City of Keene has a large collection of archives dating from 18th century to the present, which are accessible and open to the public.  Please contact the Office of the City Clerk staff during regular business hours (8:00 am – 4:30 pm ) to schedule a mutually agreeable time to obtain access to archival records open to the public. 

City Council – Collection of meeting minutes, standing committee reports and subject files detailing issues before and actions taken by the Keene City Council and Standing Committees.

City Directories – Directories of businesses and residents dating from 1874 -1993.

City Reports – Town and City annual budgets books including department reports dating from 1854 -1953.

Contracts –  Executed agreements and memos of understanding between outside parties and the City of Keene.

Deeds – Recorded deeds of property owned by the City of Keene. 

Easements – Property that the City of Keene has rights of way to access and pass through.  

Highway Records – Layouts and discontinuances of public highways and rights of way.

Incorporation Records – Recorded filings of articles of incorporation and by-laws for local non-profits and businesses.

Leases – Recorded leases for property owned by the City of Keene.

Proprietor’s Records – Early settler records dating from 1730’s to 1753.

Restricted Agent Records – Statements recorded with City Clerk that provides contact information of the person within the state who is authorized to accept service of process for legal proceeding of a restricted property as defined in NH RSA Ch. 540:1. 

Settlements –  Settlements that are required to be filed in the City Clerk’s Office under NH RSA Ch. 91-A.

Tax Records – Tax ledgers dating back to 1760.