Membership Qualifications
Sec. 2-652. - Membership.
The Ashuelot River Park Advisory Board shall consist of seven regular voting members who shall have demonstrated interest in the park. One member shall represent the educational community, one member shall represent the Friends of Ashuelot River Park, one member shall be a city councilor, three members shall represent the community at large, and one member shall represent the conservation commission.
Functions and Guidelines
Sec. 2-655. - Functions and guidelines.
The functions and guidelines in this section are established for the conduct of the Ashuelot River Park Advisory Board. The board shall:
(1) Promote the development of the Ashuelot River Park in accordance with the adopted vision statement and park plan.
(2) Promote communication and exchange of ideas and concerns between park users, city staff and the city council.
(3) Make reports and recommendations to the municipal services, facilities and infrastructure committee of the city council and to the city staff with respect to management of the park.
(4) Act as a publicity agent for the park by bringing the benefits of the park to the attention of the public.
(5) Serve as an advocate for the interest of the park.
(6) Serve as the catalyst for bringing private resources to the park and receive gifts of money and property, both real and personal, in the name of the city, subject to the specific approval of the city council.
(7) Recommend the expenditure of trust funds.
(8) Assist in developing and stating objectives and goals for park improvement.
(9) Pursue the means of achieving the determined goals for improvement.
(10) Perform such other related functions as required by the city council or as requested by the city manager.