New Hampshire State Statute 75:8-a requires the City to revalue property at least once every five years. The goals of a revaluation are to ensure that assessments reflect market value as of a given date, to uniformly apply market adjustments equally amongst similar properties, and to maintain proportionality between all property types in comparison to market value. The last reappraisal of the entire community was completed in 2021. The City is planning to complete its next revaluation during the 2026 tax year with assessments having an effective date of April 1, 2026. Final values will be used to determine the final tax bill of the year once a new tax rate is set.
As the 2026 Revaluation nears, additional information will become available. Property owners will be provided with an opportunity to review preliminary values and have the option of speaking with those involved in the revaluation project before the values are finalized.
If you have any questions about the revaluation or need additional information, please contact the Assessor’s Office at (603) 352-2125.