Books and Literacy Tips for Babies and Toddlers

Our collection consists of books, toys, early literacy kits, music and multimedia materials for babies, toddlers, parents, caregivers and service providers.
Help your kids get ready to read and to learn by visiting these web pages:
- Early Learning
- Help Your Child Get Ready to Read
- Six Early Literacy Skills
- Using Picture Books and Dialogic Reading
- 25 Ways to Raise a Book Smart Baby
- 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten
Our Youth Librarians are a friendly and valuable resource. Get to know them and ask for more recommendations.
Books for Babies and Toddlers
The books on this booklist are excellent examples of the types of topics and formats that are appropriate for babies and young toddlers. Titles are linked to our catalog so you can check holdings and availability.
You may also want to check out our Six Early Literacy Skills page.
Books for Two and Three Year Olds
The books on this booklist are excellent examples of the types of topics and formats that are appropriate for young children two and three years-of-age. Titles are linked to our catalog so you can check holdings and availability.
You may also want to check out our Six Early Literacy Skills page.
Books for Four and Five Year Olds
The books on this booklist are excellent examples of the types of topics and formats that are appropriate for children four and five years-of-age. Titles are linked to our catalog so you can check holdings and availability.
You may also want to check out our Preparing Your Child for Kindergarten page.