Charged with facilitating long range planning and short and long term recommendations to the college and the City on issues of mutual concern. It is to create a model for how a campus and college collaborate effectively and engage eachother in the resolution of their most pressing issues. It will create a framework to deal with emergent issues as well.
Active Members
First Name Last Name Type Term Expires 1 Danya Landis City Appointee 12/31/2022 2 Position Vacant City Appointee 12/31/2020 3 Philip Jones City Appointee 12/31/2021 4 Position Vacant City Appointee 12/31/2021 5 Position Vacant City Appointee 12/31/2021 6 Ely Thayer City Appointee 12/31/2022 7 Jeffrey Murphy City Appointee 12/31/2020 8 Victoria Bergstrom College Appointee 12/31/2020 9 Kya Roumimper College Appointee 12/31/2022 10 Dottie Morris College Appointee 12/31/2021 11 Kelly Ricaurte College Appointee 12/31/2021 12 Steve Fortier College Appointee 12/31/2020 13 Robin Picard College Appointee 12/31/2020 14 Davis Bernstein College Appointee 12/31/2020 Last Updated: 11/24/2020
Minutes are posted after they have been adopted by the public body. If you do not see the set of minutes you need on the website, please contact the City Clerk’s Office.
Staff Liason
Tara Kessler: 603-352-5440
View the City Calendar to confirm the date and time of the next meeting.