The City of Keene is one of the few self-inspecting municipalities in the state with all food licenses and inspections applied for and conducted through the Community Development Department. In recognition of the importance of food safety, the City Council adopted Chapter 46, Article VII of the City of Keene Code of Ordinances, which states that no person shall operate a food service establishment within the city who does not have a valid food license issued by the health authority. These food licenses are renewed annually in September, are not transferable from one person to another person or place, and all licenses will be posted in a visible location.
Go to our Search Existing Food License interface to search active licensed food establishments and their inspections by either address or establishment name.
Food Code
Food License Application
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Voluntary Minimum Housing Safety Inspections
Contact Health Staff
Richard Wood, Acting Health Official
Corinne Marcou, Administrative Assistant
Vacant, Food Establishment Inspector
or Call: (603) 352-5440