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Monadnock Alliance for Sustainable Transportation

Please Take The Survey

Carsharing is a transportation option that offers the benefits of having a car without the cost or hassle of private ownership. Well-known business examples include ZipCar and Enterprise Carshare, however carshares can also be set up as non-profits or co-operatives. For example, CarShare Vermont is a non-profit based in Burlington, Vermont that offers carsharing to members in Burlington and the surrounding area.

The Monadnock Alliance for Sustainable Transportation is interested in working with community partners to better understand interest in and demand for carsharing in Keene and the Monadnock Region. Participation in this short survey will provide helpful information in this regard. Thank you for making a difference by being involved!

To learn more, see MAST’s recently released report titled Carsharing: An Alternative to Private Vehicle Ownership, check this out: