It is the mission of the Human Service Department to provide quality assistance to the financially disadvantaged in the most economic manner possible, while instituting and maintaining policies, procedures and programs to aid such individuals to maintain dignity and to return to a state of self-sufficiency.
Location, Contact & Hours:
City Hall, 2nd Floor
3 Washington St.
Keene, NH 03431
P: (603) 357-9809
F: (603) 283-5659
Regular Office hours (appointment only):
8:00 am- 4:00 pm Monday - Friday
Walk-In Hours:
8:30 am - 9:30 am Monday - Friday
General Assistance
Human Services makes referrals to programs that aid individuals and families to return to a state of financial self-sufficiency.
To apply:
- Complete a written Application (available online or in the Human Services office in City Hall)
- Schedule an appointment with a Caseworker to determine eligibility
- Complete a Full Financial Review
An appointment and complete financial review are required for the first and each subsequent request for assistance.
State of New Hampshire Benefits
State of New Hampshire Dept. of Health & Human Services
(603) 357-3510
TANF - Temporary Assistance to Needy Families
SNAP - Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps)
APTD - Assistance to the Permanently & Totally Disabled
FANF -Financial Assistance for Needy Families
OAA - Old Age Assistance
Medicaid - Medical Insurance
The City of Keene Human Services Dept. does not provide these services.
Emergency Utility or Medication Assistance
Call 211 and ask for Homeless Outreach. Only If you are Homeless (on the street)