Kids in blue soccer jerseys standing in front of a goal

Human Services & Welfare

City Hall, 2nd Floor
3 Washington St.
Keene, NH 03431

P: (603) 357-9809
F: (603) 283-5659

Regular Office hours (appointment only):
8:00 am- 4:00 pm Monday – Friday

Walk-In Hours:
8:30 am – 9:30 am Monday – Friday 

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Human Services makes referrals to programs that aid individuals and families to return to a state of financial self-sufficiency.

To apply:

  1. Complete a written Application (available online or in the Human Services office in City Hall)
  2. Schedule an appointment with a Caseworker to determine eligibility
  3. Complete a Full Financial Review

An appointment and complete financial review are required for the first and each subsequent request for assistance.

Natalie Darcy
Human Services Manager

Amy Lawliss

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State of New Hampshire Dept. of Health & Human Services 
(603) 357-3510

TANF – Temporary Assistance to Needy Families
SNAP – Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps)
APTD – Assistance to the Permanently & Totally Disabled
FANF  -Financial Assistance for Needy Families
OAA –  Old Age Assistance
Medicaid – Medical Insurance

The City of Keene Human Services Dept. does not provide these services.