Front of the Keene public library building

Keene Public Library


*** Pick-up lockers are only available from Spring to Fall due to freezing temperatures. ***

  • Choose Keene Public Library Lockers as the pickup location when you request materials.      
  • You must specify locker pickup at the time you place your requests.  
  • You will be notified by phone or email when your materials are ready for pickup from one of our lockers.
  • You will have 7 days to pick up your materials.
  • You must have your library card when you come to the lockers. You will scan your library card to open your locker. Items will already be checked out to you. Just pick them up and go!
  • Lockers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Is the item you want currently checked out to someone else? Do you want us to hold it for you when it is returned?

Do you want to reserve something that is on the shelf right now?

You can place a hold on books, audiovisual materials, magazines, or any other circulating item at Keene Public Library or Keene State College.

Call the library at 603-352-0157 to request items, or you can request items online through our catalog.

  • Search the Library Catalog
  • When you find the item you want, click on the Request It button.
  • A confirmation screen should appear saying that your request was successful.
  • You will be notified when the item is available for you, and it will be held for you for one week.

You may choose to pick up your items at either library or from our pickup lockers. 
You may also request “curbside delivery” at Keene Public Library:  when you arrive to pick up your items, call us, and a staff member will bring your items to you at our Winter Street entrance.

Having trouble? Questions? Please Contact us.