Save Your Reading History
IMPORTANT Information for Keene Public Library cardholders!
To safeguard your privacy and the confidentiality of your library records, Keene Public Library maintains no record of what you have borrowed once the items have been returned. This is in accordance with New Hampshire State Law (RSA 201-D:11).
However, you have the option of asking the system to retain a reading history of titles for you. Some people have asked for this service as a means of remembering a book or author they liked or for keeping a list of what they have already read.
You will access your reading history by keying in your library card number. If you choose this option, please be aware that anyone with access to your library card number can check your reading history. Also, the information contained in the reading history file is, as is any part of your library record, subject to any judicial process (e.g., the USA PATRIOT Act). If you are concerned about someone else seeing a list of what your are reading, the safest step is to not choose this option.
Set Up Your Reading History
If you’d like to keep track of what you’ve borrowed, you can OPT IN and start retaining a list of titles. Unless you opt in, the system will not keep track of titles you’ve borrowed once they have been returned.
To Start Retaining your Reading History:
- Sign into your account
- Click on Reading History
- Click on Save Reading History

To Stop Retaining your Reading History:
- Sign into your account (View Your Record)
- Click on Reading History
- Delete all of the titles in your list
- Click on Opt Out