City of Keene Land Development Code (Amended May 2024)
- City of Keene Zoning Map (Amended September 1, 2021)
- Comparison of Current Downtown Zoning to Zoning Prior to 9/1/21
- Land Development Code Fee Schedule
The Keene Land Development Code (LDC) is Chapter 100 of the City Code of Ordinances and contains most local regulations concerning the use and development of land and buildings. The Code includes, but is not limited to, the following regulations:
- Zoning (Articles 2-18 & Sections 25.3 - 25.9)
- Subdivision (Article 19 & Section 25.10)
- Site Plan / Site Development Standards (Article 20 & Section 25.12)
- Historic District (Article 21 & Sections 25.15)
- Public Infrastructure (Article 22 & Sections 25.16)
- Floodplain (Article 23 & Section 25.17)
- Earth Excavation (Article 24 & Section 25.19)