Comprehensive Master Plan
What is a Master Plan?

A Master Plan is a long-range plan for a community that provides guidance for city-wide growth and development patterns, investments, and initiatives. It provides the foundation for determining effective public policy, master planning, and land use decisions for the future. In addition, it serves as the guiding policy document for many of the City’s most critical decisions, such as redevelopment decisions, zoning changes, and capital investments. A Master Plan should reflect the needs, values, and priorities of the community while safeguarding the City’s sense of place, history, and natural resources.
Why is the Master Plan Important?
While the Master Plan is not a legal document, it does provide the legal basis for zoning and other land use regulations. In New Hampshire, a Master Plan with a Vision Section and a Future Land Use Section is required in order for a local community to enact zoning, establish a capital improvement program, or adopt a historic district. The Master Plan also establishes the legal standing for implementation of ordinances and other planning board regulations. State statute recommends that communities update their master plans every 5-10 years.
The City of Keene has embarked on a visioning and planning project that will update the City’s 2010 Comprehensive Master Plan (CMP).
Vision Keene: 20 Forward will occur in two phases over 2024 and 2025. The first phase is a Community Visioning Process, where we look forward to setting strategic goals that lead Keene to 2040.
During the second phase, each of the 2010 CMP’s multiple topic-oriented chapters will be examined and updated to reflect current community priorities. The 18-month process will result in an updated Community Vision, Community Snapshot, and Comprehensive Master Plan that will guide the community’s decision-making for the next ten to fifteen years. Visit the project website for complete information and opportunities to participate.
As a first step, please take our Community Survey (open through June 7, 2024).
Learn from the past, plan for the future!
Existing Master Plan
On Monday, September 13, 2010, the Keene Planning Board voted unanimously to adopt the Keene Comprehensive Master Plan 2010. The City Council Planning, Licenses and Development Committee voted to recommend full Council endorsement via Resolution 2010-32.
Download the 2010 Comprehensive Master Plan.