Kids in blue soccer jerseys standing in front of a goal


City Manager

Elizabeth Ferland

Elizabeth Ferland presently serves the City of Keene in the role of City Manager. She is supported by Deputy City Manager, Andrew Bohannon; Deputy City Manager, Rebecca Landry; and Assistant City Manager/Human Resources Director, Elizabeth Fox. Nicole Howe serves as Executive Administrative Assistant.

Appointed City Manager for the City of Keene September 25, 2017; Ms. Ferland has served in local government since 1998. Prior to her arrival at the City of Keene she served as City Manager for the City of Franklin for nine years where she was instrumental in various economic re-development initiatives in the downtown. In Franklin, she also performed a lead role in the community’s substance misuse prevention initiative. Prior to her arrival in Franklin, Ms. Dragon gained a great deal of diverse experience managing the communities of Bristol (a lake-front community) and Plymouth (home to Plymouth State University).

Ms. Ferland has a Bachelor’s degree in accounting, and before transitioning to management, she worked in the field of finance. Later, she completed the NH Division of Personnel’s Certified Public Manager two-year Program. Ms. Ferland is also a credentialed manager through the International City Managers’ Association (ICMA). She has served on the NH Municipal Association Board of Directors advocating for her community at all levels.

As City Manager, she feels it is important to cultivate a feeling of shared responsibility and collaboration both inside and outside of the organization.

Follow Elizabeth on twitter: @CitymgrKeeneNH


  • The City Council appoints the Manager to serve as the City’s chief executive officer.  Keene’s City Charter defines the powers the citizens give their city government, how the government is structured, and the responsibilities of the City Manager.  Under the Mayor/Council/Manager form of government adopted by Keene, the Mayor and Council establish policies for operations within the City, and it is the Manager’s responsibility to ensure these policies are carried out.  In general, the position supervises all property and business affairs of the City and oversees expenditures of all funds appropriated for City purposes.

Contact Information

The City Manager’s Office is located on the third floor of City Hall at 3 Washington Street, Keene, New Hampshire, 03431.  The telephone number is (603)-357-9804.

Contact the City Manager and Executive Assistant.

Follow the City Manager on Twitter:  @CitymgrKeeneNH