Motor Vehicle Accident, Route 9 East

Date of Incident: July 18, 2024

Time of Call: 0836

First Unit on Scene Time: 0844

Under Control: 0915

Units Back in Quarters: 1005

Type Incident: Motor Vehicle Accident with Injuries

Assigned Apparatus: Rescue-1, Tanker-1, Ambulance-1, Ambulance-2, Ambulance-3, Ambulance-4, Car-1, Car-2, Car-4

Number of Keene Personnel Assigned: 18

Mutual Aid Units Assigned: County EMS A4 and A5 responded to other medical emergencies in the city while Keene Fire Units were committed to the crash.

Type Occupancy: State Highway (Roadway)

Type of Construction: Asphalt

Property Owner: State of New Hampshire

Injuries Reported: 5 injuries

Summary of Incident: At 0836 in this morning, July 18, Keene Fire Department Units were dispatched out of both stations to Route 9 at Sullivan Road for a three-car motor vehicle accident with one subject possibly ejected and lying in the roadway. Units arrived to find three vehicles in the roadway all with significant damage, two with major damage, all occupants were out of the vehicles. Initial triage of the scene found two patients lying in the roadway with potentially life-threatening injuries, a third patient walking wounded with significant injury requiring transport to the trauma center via medical helicopter, and two additional patients walking wounded with non-life-threatening injuries. An additional two ambulances were requested to the scene. Four patients were transported via ambulance to Cheshire Medical Center Emergency Department for further assessment. One patient was transported via ambulance to the helipad at Cheshire Medical Center and then transferred by the DHART Medical helicopter crew.

Estimated Property Loss: All vehicles sustained significant damage. Keene Fire assessed two of the three as a total loss.

Origin and Cause: The cause of the incident is under investigation by the Keene Police Department. Any questions regarding accident details should be referred to the Keene Police Department.

For further information contact:

Gregory Seymour, Act. Deputy Fire Chief

City of Keene Police Department