Online Services
Building Permit Application
Please contact the Community Development Department (communitydevelopment@keenenh.gov) with any questions.
Department: Community Development
Submit or Search Property Violations and Complaints
Please contact the Community Development Department (communitydevelopment@keenenh.gov) with any questions.
Department: Community Development
State of NH Moving Violation Ticket Payments
Most traffic tickets issued will qualify to be paid online, however, online payments will only be accepted within 31 days of the violation. Tickets that indicate “Must Appear” or “Must Respond” to the court cannot be paid online.
Department: Parking
Property Records, Maps and Exemption & Credit Applications
Public records relating to parcel information and maps can all be filled out and mailed to the Assessing Department.
Department: Assessing
Birth, Death or Marriage Records
You may order a certified copy of a birth, death or marriage record online using your credit card through our only approved Internet ordering service.
Welfare/Human Services General Assistance
A complete financial review is required for each request for assistance. Human Services makes referrals to programs that help individuals and families return to a state of self-sufficiency.
Department: Human Services
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