Keene Police


  • Telephone Numbers


    Dispatch: NON-EMERGENCY

    Bureau of Prosecution


    Bureau of Patrol

    Bureau of Criminal Investigation

    Animal Control

    Police Social Worker
    603-357-9815 Ext. 7276


    Property & Special Services

    Records Room FAX (Business Hours)

    Police FAX (monitored 24-hours)

    Criminal Investigation FAX (Business Hours)

    The Keene Police Department is a full service law enforcement agency operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to respond to the needs of our community. For matters of routine business, our hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM.

    Please note that we do not accept reports of crimes or accidents via e-mail.

  • Department Mission

    The mission of the Keene Police Department is to protect life and property and to maintain order within the City while assuring fair and respectful treatment of everyone.

    Department Statement of Values 


    We will obey and enforce the laws of the State of New Hampshire with courage, diligence, and discretion. 


    We will act with fairness at all times and allow the facts, not preconceptions, to determine the outcome of events.


    We will support, in words and in actions, our community, our Department, and each other.


    We will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate those who do. [USMA]


    We will treat people with as much dignity and courtesy as each situation will allow.


    We will approach every task we perform with a sense of service, energy, and a commitment to excellence.

    Department Creed

    As members of the Keene Police Department, we commit ourselves to being capable, caring people doing important and challenging work for the benefit of all citizens within our community; to respect, care about, and support each other; to enjoy our work and take pride in our accomplishments; to be disciplined and reliable; to keep our perspective and sense of humor; to balance our personal and professional lives; to value the contributions of the community in the decisions we make; to maintain a positive attitude; to cultivate our most important values, professionalism, objectivity, loyalty, integrity, courtesy, and enthusiasm; to hold ourselves accountable to these expectations; and to do nothing which would dishonor our Department or ourselves.

    Department Vision

    The Keene Police Department strives to anticipate the future needs of the community and develop effective and efficient responses to those needs. The Department will seek new techniques, training, and equipment to optimize public safety.

    Law Enforcement Code of Ethics

    As a law enforcement officer, my fundamental duty is to serve mankind; to safeguard lives and property; to protect the innocent against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation, the peaceful against violence or disorder; and to respect the Constitutional rights of all people to liberty, equality, and justice.

    I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all; maintain courageous calm in the face of danger, scorn, or ridicule; develop self-restraint; and be constantly mindful of the welfare of others. Honest in thought and deed in my personal and official life, I will be exemplary in obeying the laws of the land and the regulations of my Department. Whatever I see or hear of a confidential nature, or that is confided to me in an official capacity, will be kept ever secret unless revelation is necessary in the performance of my duty.

    I will never act officiously or permit personal feelings, prejudices, animosities, or friendships to influence my decisions. With no compromise for crime and with relentless prosecution of criminals, I will enforce the law courteously and appropriately without fear or favor, malice or ill will, never employing unnecessary force, and never accepting gratuities. 

    I recognize the badge of my office as a symbol of public faith, and I accept it as a public trust to be held so long as I am true to the ethics of police service. I will constantly strive to achieve these objectives and ideals, dedicating myself before God to my chosen profession - law enforcement.

    Code of Ethics for Law Enforcement Support Staff

    As an employee of the City of Keene and a member of the Keene Police Department, I am dedicated to the concepts of effective and democratic local government by responsible elected officials and believe that professional performance is essential to the achievement of this objective.

    I affirm the dignity and worth of the services rendered by government and maintain a constructive, creative, and practical attitude toward local government affairs and a sense of responsibility as a trusted public employee.

    I am dedicated to the highest ideals of honor and integrity in all public and personal relationships in order that I may merit the respect and confidence of elected officials, of other officials and employees, and of the public.

    I recognize that the chief function of local government at all times is to serve the best interests of all people.

    I recognize that elected representatives of the people are entitled to the credit for the establishment of local government policies; responsibility for policy execution rests with me.

    I make it a duty continually to improve my professional ability and to develop the competence of associates in the performance of my duties.

    It is my responsibility to keep the community informed on local government affairs, encourage communication between the citizens and all local government officers, emphasize friendly and courteous service to the public, and seek to improve the quality and image of public service.

    I seek no favor and believe that personal aggrandizement or profit secured by confidential information or by misuse of public time is dishonest.

  • Department Organization Chart

  • Administrative Services

    The Administrative Services Division holds primary responsibility for

    • Prosecuting cases in court. 
    • Providing animal control services. 
    • Educating the community in the law, how to avoid crime, and how to reduce and prevent crime 
    • Providing administrative services, and material support to the Field Operations Division by recruiting, training and equipping police officers 
    • Other duties as may be necessary to assure the department accomplishes its mission

    Major Sub-Units and Primary Tasks 

    Commanding Officer

    • Accreditation  
    • Budget
    • Grants Management 
    • Information Technology 
    • Promotional Process Administration  
    • Recruitment and Selection  
    • Training Management  
    • Workers Compensation Claims

    Bureau of Special Services

    • AFIS 
    • Animal Control
    • Administrative Fingerprinting  
    • Community Service Representative  
    • Equipment Inventory
    • Office of Communications 
    • School Crossing Guards 
    • Traffic Safety and Enforcement 
    • Property/Evidence Management  
    • Traffic Signals  
    • Uniform and Equipment Issues  
    • Wrecker Services  

    Bureau of Prosecution

    • Case Status Hearings
    • ALS Hearings
    • Motor Vehicle and City Ordinance Trials
    • Violation and Misdemeanor Trials

    Bureau of Records

    • Alarms
    • Administrative Support for Prosecutor
    • Purchasing
    • Record Management
    • UCR/NIBRS Management

    Police Social Worker

    The police social worker (PSW) is a civilian position within the Keene Police Department.  The PSW functions as a fully integrated team member and provides the department with the ability to conduct follow-ups, referral services, and care coordination for those suffering from substance use disorders (SUD), mental health (MH) issues, or co-occurring issues.

    The Bureau of Records is open weekdays, 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM.

    Division Leadership

    Captain Michael Kopcha, Commanding Officer Administrative Services

    Lieutenant Shane Maxfield, Supervisor of the Bureau of Special Services

    Sergeant Jason Short, District Court Prosecutor, Bureau of Prosecution

    Dispatch Supervisor Albert St. Aubin

    Office Manager Jeanette Casna, Supervisor of the Bureau of Records

  • Field Operations Division

    The Field Operations Division holds primary responsibility for

    • Enforcing laws and investigating crimes.
    • Integration of community policing concepts into the patrol Division with the concept that every sworn Officer is a Community Policing officer.
    • Being prepared to respond to tactical emergencies and disasters.
    • And such other duties as may be necessary to assure to assure the department accomplishes its mission.

    Major Sub-Units and Primary Tasks

    Commanding Officer

    • Compliance with the Departments Mission Statement
    • Coordination of Bureau Leadership
    • Budget

    Bureau of Patrol

    • Criminal Investigations
    • Accident Investigations
    • Canine Program
    • College Liaison Officer
    • Directed Patrol
    • Motor Vehicle Law Enforcement
    • Fleet Maintenance
    • Outside Detail Management

    Bureau of Criminal Investigation

    • Background Investigations
    • Crime Analysis
    • Criminal Investigations of Serious Crimes
    • Child Abuse & Exploitation
    • Crime Scene Management
    • Drug Investigations
    • Photography/Imagery/Video
    • Polygraph Services
    • Sex Offender Registration
    • School Resource Officer
    • Juvenile Operations/Prosecution
    • Juvenile Records Management

    Division Leadership

    Captain Steven Tenney, Jr., Commanding Officer Field Operations Division

    Lieutenant Benjamin Nugent, Supervisor Bureau of Patrol

    Lieutenant Collin Zamore., Supervisor Bureau of Patrol

    Lieutenant Matt Bomberg , Supervisor Bureau of Patrol

    Sergeant Timothy Richmond, Supervisor Bureau of Patrol

    Sergeant Luke Antin, Supervisor Bureau of Patrol

    Sergeant Mark Cotton, Supervisor Bureau of Patrol

    Sergeant Christopher Simonds, Supervisor Bureau of Patrol

    Lieutenant/Detective Joel Chidester, Supervisor Bureau of Criminal Investigations

    • College Liaison Officer

      College Liaison Officer, Bureau of Uniformed Patrol, Field Operations Division

      DesktopWith a purpose to improve police services to students, staff and faculty as well as provide for the needs of the off-campus college community, Keene State College funds one Keene Police Officer each year to serve as the College Liaison Officer (CLO).

      The CLO is a full time certified Police Officer employed by the Keene Police Department and maintains an office at both the Keene Police Department and the Keene State College Department of Campus Safety. The CLO takes reports of crimes and investigates accordingly and spends much time in the field on foot, bicycle or motor patrol and networking with various groups and individuals. The CLO also strives to educate the college population on how to protect themselves and their property.

      The CLO is available to take reports of all campus related crimes as well as answer any questions from students, staff, faculty, parents or the concerns of Keene residents.

      The current CLO is Police Officer Jack LaPorte. Officer LaPorte can be reached at the Keene Police Department at 603.357.9813 or at Keene State College at 603.358-2029 or by e-mail at

      Safety Tips for Students:

      • Don't leave valuables unattended, either in your room, or on campus venues.
      • Always lock your dorm room. (Even if you are going out just for a minute.)
      • Always lock your vehicle, and do not leave valuables in plain sight.
      • Don't loan out your Identification Card, Keys, or Pass Keys.
      • If you lose your ID card, report it.
      • Never prop doors in Residential Halls or Academic buildings. Your friends are not the only people who will come in!
      • Always lock your bicycle to a fixed object. Lock both the front wheel and frame together. Get your bicycle registered with the City of Keene.
      • When walking at night, walk with a friend, and in well lit areas.
      • Avoid using outdoor teller machines, or machines located in secluded areas.
      • Report ALL suspicious activity or persons to police or campus safety right away.

      The Parents Role in Student Safety:

      • Talk to your sons/daughters about their safety, as they go off to college.
      • Help them understand that safety involves partnership between officials and students. While KSC takes precautions to help students be safe, they can ultimately control their own safety through the daily choices they make.
      • Tell them you understand the need to make new friends, but caution them that first impressions are not always accurate. Do not leave new acquaintances in dorm rooms alone. Don't invite "first dates" back to their rooms.
      • Tell them you understand the private space their dorm room provides, but caution them not to leave valuables unattended, even in their rooms. Do not leave windows, and doors unlocked when they are not around.
      • Make an emergency plan together. Talk about different scenarios that could arise, and how to deal with them, i.e., who to call when they are afraid, how to get rid of a persistent date who doesn't know when to leave, what insurance papers do they have to bring to the hospital if transported.
      • Encourage them to use all the services the institution has to offer and to call the Department of Campus Safety with any questions or concerns they may have regarding their safety.
      • Help your sons/daughters create an inventory of items they bring with them to KSC, include serial numbers of electronics and bicycles, titles of CD's etc. Keep a copy at home as well as at school.
      • Mention the "little" things they can do to deter crime; closing blinds at night, keeping dorm rooms locked, keeping an inventory of property. If you do these things at home, you can demonstrate that you follow these guidelines as well. Knowing that you and your sons/daughters are on the same page regarding safe habits at home will encourage a safe lifestyle at school.

      Keene State College Department of Campus Safety


    • Special Teams

      The Tactical Team may be deployed to hi-risk events or unusual circumstances where the team training, equipment and skill sets will enhance the safe and efficient reduction of threats. The Tactical Team includes an entry team, sniper team, and negotiators. Individual Officers are assigned to fill various tactical assignments within those elements. Tactical Officers must be able to function for extended periods of time in various weather conditions and often with limited comfort or mobility. The Tactical Officer must manage stress related to fear, fatigue and/or confusion while being able to function effectively with or without clear and direct supervision.


  • Law Enforcement Accreditation

    The Keene Police Department began the Accreditation process in August of 2007 with the self-assessment phase.  In November of 2009, after a successful onsite assessment, the Department achieved Recognition status, the first level of the Accreditation process at that time.

    Recognition level was removed around 2011 within CALEA and the Department has moved forward with the program and was awarded Accreditation status on March 23, 2013 after completing a successful onsite assessment that took place October 7-9, 2012.  The Department received our first Accreditation award at the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) conference that took place in March, 2013.  This Law Enforcement Accreditation lasted only three (3) years.  The Keene Police Departments 2013 Accreditation Award Letter can be found below. 

    Keene Police Department 2013 Accreditation Award Letter

    Our next on-site assessment was held in October 2015, which was again successful.  In March 2016 we received our re-accreditation award.  As CALEA evolved, they changed their assessment process in that going forward Law Enforcement Accreditation would now last four (4) years, with remote assessments every year for three (3) years with the on-site assessment in the fourth year.  The Keene Police Departments 2016 Accreditation Award Letter can be found below. 

    Keene Police Department 2016 Accreditation Award Letter

    After our third successful remote assessment in 2019 for that cycle, the department had its onsite assessment from 28-30 October, 2019 to finish up this four-year cycle.  This again was very successful and the Department received its next re-accreditation award at the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) conference, which took place remotely due to the Pandemic, in March 2020.  The Keene Police Departments 2020 Accreditation Award Letter can be found below, along with the full assessment report for our 2016-2020 cycle covering 2016-2019 data. 

    Keene Police Department 2020 Accreditation Award Letter

    After our fourth successful remote assessment in 2023 for that cycle, the department had its onsite assessment from 23-25 October 2023 to finish up this four-year cycle.  This again was very successful and the Department received its next re-accreditation award at the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) conference, which took place in Montgomery, AL in March 2024.  The Keene Police Departments 2024 Accreditation Award Letter can be found below, along with the full assessment report for our 2021-2024 cycle covering 2021-2023 data.

    Keene Police Department Full Assessment Accreditation Report

    Keene Police Department 2024 Accreditation Award Letter

    These achievements demonstrate the Department’s commitment to providing professional and progressive police services to the community, now and into the future.

    Because accreditation must not only be earned, but maintained, it also serves as an ongoing assessment of the department’s performance by an outside agency. To learn more about Law Enforcement Accreditation, visit the CALEA web site at