KPD Police


News, Public Information & FAQs

  • News Center

  • Resources

    • What to do if stopped by Police

      The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) in partnership with the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) provides the below information.  It has been slightly modified to meet NH standards and Statutes.  IACP has encouraged all Law Enforcement Agencies to publicize this information as they see the need.

      At the end of the IACP information, the Keene Police Department has added several other important points and references for those stopped or having any type of encounter with a Keene, NH Police Officer.

      Law enforcement officers conduct traffic stops because they observe a traffic violation or are conducting a police investigation. Being stopped by a law enforcement officer can be a stressful experience but knowing what to do during the stop will help ensure your safety, the safety of other motorists, and the safety of the officer.

      When you see emergency lights behind you, stay calm, activate your turn signal, and pull off or to the side of the roadway as soon and safely as possible.  Put your vehicle in park, turn off or lower the volume on your radio, and stay in your vehicle unless directed by the officer to exit.  Keep your hands on the steering wheel so they are easily observable. Ask your passengers to remain calm and to stay in the vehicle while keeping their hands in plain view as well.  Give the officer your full attention. Do not make sudden moves or search for your driver’s license or vehicle documents; wait for the officer to give you instructions. If you have a weapon(s) in the vehicle inform the officer upon first contact. Do not reach to show the officer the weapon unless the officer asks you to.

      If it’s nighttime, the officer may direct a spotlight at your vehicle once stopped.  To assist with visibility, turn on your interior lights as soon as you stop to help the officer see inside your vehicle. The officer may also use their flashlight to look into your vehicle, both for their safety and to assist you in producing your license, etc. A backup officer is likely to arrive at some point, and they will act similarly.

      The officer will usually explain why they stopped you and may ask you questions about your trip.  If the officer is not in uniform, they will show you their law enforcement credentials or you may ask to see them. Follow all instructions the officer gives you or your passengers. The officer may ask to see your driver’s license and vehicle registration. The officer may ask for these documents before they explain why they have stopped you. This is normal and legal, and you must produce those documents. If the documents are out of your reach, tell the officer where they are before you reach for them. If you have questions, politely ask for clarification. If the officer asks you to exit the vehicle, stay safely away from traffic and keep your hands in plain view.

      When the officer completes their interaction with you, they may issue a warning or a traffic ticket, which may include a fine. The officer will typically explain whatever action is being taken. If you have questions, respectfully ask the officer to clarify. If you disagree with the officer’s decision to issue a traffic ticket, do not prolong the contact by arguing with the officer. If you wish to contest the ticket, you will have the opportunity to explain your point of view of what happened in court. Your acceptance of a traffic ticket is not an admission of guilt. If you believe the officer acted inappropriately, document the officer’s behavior and report it to the officers’ agency in a timely manner. The name of the officer and law enforcement agency will be on the ticket or you may ask the officer to provide this information.

      The enforcement of traffic laws is an effective tool in changing unsafe driving behavior and reducing crashes. If you receive a warning or a ticket for a traffic violation, its purpose is to deter illegal and/or unsafe behavior.  Good communication from all involved parties can make a traffic stop a safe experience for all parties involved.

      In general, when encountering officers the best bet is to remain calm, ask questions as necessary, and cooperate so everyone can move on.  Our Departments mission is to protect life and property and maintain order in the City while assuring fair and respectful treatment of everyone. To accomplish that effectively takes cooperation from both you and us.If an officer approaches you on the street, you can ask if you are free to leave, as some encounters are consensual and you have the right to not consent to speaking with the officer(s). Many times, if we are walking on foot, we are actually just stopping to speak for no other reason than to say hello. If the reason for speaking with you is not a consensual encounter, meaning you are suspected of committing, having committed, or about to commit an offense or violation, the officer(s) will inform you of this if you ask.

      It is legal in NH to video police officers in the line of duty as long as you or it does not interfere with the officer’s ability to do what he or she is doing. The officer may ask you to keep a reasonable distance from them when they are conducting their business. We do not recommend doing this during a motor vehicle stop, as with both parties under some stress, it is difficult to identify what is in someone’s hand, especially in low light conditions.

      If you have a complaint about the way you were treated, the Keene Police Department has a detailed citizen’s complaint process. We ask that you use this process versus arguing with the officer on the street, at your home, or on the side of the road. 


    • KPD Keene School District SRO Memo of Understanding

    • Deaf or Hard of Hearing Driver Card

      The New Hampshire Deaf or Hard of Hearing Driver Visor Card is a tool used by drivers who are deaf or hard of hearing to communicate with police during a traffic stop. The card quickly notifies law enforcement and other emergency responders that a driver is deaf or hard of hearing, helping make interactions safe and easy. The card can also be used by drivers who do not speak English in order to communicate in an emergency situation.

      These cards are now carried by Keene Police Officers and are also available online through the NH Department of Safety.

    • Police Logs

    • Medication Drop Box

      Medication DropboxIn partnership with Monadnock Voices for Prevention, Cheshire County, the Rotary Club of Keene-Elm City, Hoik Advertising, and Budget Blinds, the Keene Police Department is pleased to announce the opening of the first permanent disposal location for unused, unwanted and expired medications in Cheshire County.

      The drop box is located in the lobby of the Keene Police Department and is available for use to the public 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

      Medication Dropbox Guidelines for use and what is accepted for disposal in the box.

      Make Your Own Medical Sharps Container for proper disposal.

      Medical Sharps Labels you can print.

      For more information on safe medication disposal, please visit the Monadnock Voices web site.

    • Crime Statistics


      The Keene, NH Police Department utilizes crime reporting software which collects data compliant with the standards established by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) in the development of the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS).

      The NIBRS system records detailed information about 22 serious, or “Group A” offenses, and arrest information only on 11 less serious, or “Group B” offenses. The Department submits data on these offenses to the state on a monthly basis. The data is in digital format.

      From this page you may access general monthly numbers of offenses reported to the Keene Police Department during that particular month. As you review this material you should be aware of the following features of the NIBRS system.

      NIBRS collects data from every state and territory of the United States as well as federal reservations and the District of Columbia. To avoid distortions created by different laws in different states NIBRS uses its own terms and definitions and state offenses are fitted in. This may occasionally create a difference between crimes reported as per NIBRS and crimes reported consistent with our state law.

      Arrests made during a month do not necessarily relate to offenses reported during the same month.
      In any incident where more than one crime is reported only the most serious crime is recorded.
      For instance if a person is charged with a misdemeanor assault, a violation criminal trespass, and a violation unlawful possession of alcohol, only the assault is counted. This can lead to underreporting of lesser offenses.

      NIBRS Reports can be found here

    • Arrest and Motor Vehicle Stop Demographic Data

      One recommendation of the NH Governors Commission for Law Enforcement Accountability, Community, and Transparency (LEACT) is that Law Enforcement agencies post annual demographic data pertaining to arrests, motor vehicle stops (MVS), and subject stops. 

      Beginning in March 2021 the Keene Police Department is posting demographic information concerning our arrests, motor vehicle stops (MVS), and subject stops separately in this section. In coming years our goal will be to have this information posted to the public by the middle of February for each preceding year.

      I would like to take this opportunity to remind those viewing this data, that comparing these numbers solely against the demographics found in the current census numbers for Keene would be short sighted. Keene is the hub of Cheshire County and, like most larger communities, the population grows with those visiting, shopping and working in the City, or just passing through on our roads. It is believed that Keene has an estimated  35,000 to 50,000 people traveling in and through the City on any given day. Some believe this number to be even higher, however accurate data is not available. Our roads lead those from VT, MA, and CT towards the NH seacoast, as well as the Lakes region and points North.

      2023 MVS Demographic Data, 2023 Arrest Demographic Data, 2023 Subject Stops Demographic Data

      2022 MVS Demographic Data, 2022 Arrest Demographic Data, 2022 Subject Stops Demographic Data

      2021 MVS Demographic Data, 2021 Arrest Demographic Data, 2021 Subject Stops Demographic Data

      2020 MVS Demographic Data,  2020 Arrest Demographic Data,  2020 Subject Stops Demographic Data



    • Homeland Security

      Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Information

      The National Terrorism Advisory System, or NTAS, replaces the color-coded Homeland Security Advisory System (HSAS). This new system will more effectively communicate information about terrorist threats by providing timely, detailed information to the public, government agencies, first responders, airports and other transportation hubs, and the private sector.

      It recognizes that Americans all share responsibility for the nation’s security, and should always be aware of the heightened risk of terrorist attack in the United States and what they should do.

      NTAS Public Guide

      NTAS Frequently Asked Questions

      Victim Notification Program

      • ICE is committed to protecting the public and ensuring that the rights of victims are carefully observed.
      • ICE can initiate removal (also known as deportation) proceedings against criminal aliens who are convicted of certain crimes.
      • ICE takes custody of the inmate after the criminal alien has completed his or her federal or state criminal sentence.
      • The removal process can take from several days to several months. Generally, the criminal alien remains in custody until ICE can remove the criminal alien to his or her country.
      • On occasion, ICE may not be able remove a criminal alien. This can happen for several reasons — the most common being the inability of ICE to secure travel authorization documents for the alien. Depending on the situation, ICE may have to release the criminal alien under an order of supervision or on bond.

      Although ICE makes every attempt to control illegal entry into the United States, ICE cannot ensure that the offender will not reenter the United States illegally.

      • Once the criminal alien is placed in ICE custody, the ICE Victim Notification Program will provide information to eligible victims and witnesses who register to be notified of release related activities.
      • Victims and witnesses must submit the “Victim Request for Notification of Criminal Alien Status” (form on other side).
      • ICE will make every effort to keep victims and witnesses advised of the release status of the offender. Registered victims and witnesses will be advised when the criminal alien is released from custody or removed.
      • Occasionally, ICE transfers criminal aliens between custodial facilities. ICE will not routinely notify victims or witnesses of these internal transfers. However, any victim or witness may learn the location of an offender by calling the ICE Victim Notification Program.
      • If you have previously submitted a victim impact statement to the court or parole board, you may forward that statement to ICE Victim Notification Program and request that it be presented to the government’s attorney for consideration by the immigration judge.

      How Can You Be Notified?

      • In order to be notified, a victim must submit the registration form. Information on the registration form is confidential and will not be disclosed to the criminal alien.

      If your contact information changes, you must advise the Victim Notification Program. You may also withdraw your request for notification by contacting the program.

      Click the below link for more information:

      Victim Notification Program

    • Internet Crimes Against Children

      In 1998, the Portsmouth, NH and Keene, NH Police Departments along with the Education Development Center, Inc. of Newton, Massachusetts, were awarded a $300,000 Justice Department grant to combat Internet child sexual exploitation. This grant was awarded by the Justice Department's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) under its Internet Crimes Against Children program. The grant was used for undercover operations, the education of law enforcement officers and in the development of prevention materials. The service area for the grant covered the states of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont.

      The goal of this project was to create a Regional Task Force on Internet Crimes Against Children serving the three rural northern New England states: Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. Through this Task Force we identified and supported sources of technological and investigative expertise as well as forensic resources to enhance proactive and reactive investigations of Internet crimes against children across the northern New England region.

      January 13th, 2000 marked the end of our full-time three-year Internet law enforcement project which we had started in 1997. It also marked the end of the Justice Department grant. Currently we maintain a part-time undercover operation through the City of Keene, NH. Through this undercover operation over 700 offenders from 48 different states and 13 foreign countries have been arrested and over 2,000,000 child pornographic images seized.

      One of our goals is to collect descriptive characteristics of those offenders who have committed sexual exploitation crimes with a computer. Our Offender Profile contains much of our data. This includes occupations of offenders and previous involvement with children. We have also included the state or country the offender resides or resided in. Part of our data collection included the ages of suspects. We have had suspects as young as thirteen and as old as seventy-six.

      Tanner staging, which was designed for estimating development or physiologic age for medical, educational, and sports purposes (in other words, identifying early and late maturing children), has been misused in the courts when it is used not to stage maturation, but to estimate probable chronological age. For a better understanding of the Misuse of the Tanner Scale, you may wish to read the communication between Detective McLaughlin of the Keene Police Department and Dr. Arlan Rosenbloom; Department of Pediatrics at the University of Florida College of Medicine.

      (Retired) Detective Lieutenant McLaughlin's advice for parents.


      13-year-old Ryan Halligan committed suicide in Essex, Vermont in part as a result of online bullying from fellow students at his school. His parents have set up a web site as a resource to parents and kids regarding this new threat to youth. To learn more about Ryan or his father’s efforts to address the problems of bullying in schools, harassment and inappropriate computer use, visit For more information about teenage suicide and depression, or to obtain counseling for adolescents and pre-adolescents who may be in crisis and considering suicide or other family emergencies, contact: First Call at 864-7777. Another number to call for suicide prevention is SAVE (Suicide Awareness Voices of Education) at 1-888-511-SAVE or

      New Hampshire Department of Safety
      Division of State Police Registered Offenders Against Children

      Pursuant to NH RSA 651-B:7, IV, the Division of State Police is required to identify and maintain a record of parties to whom the list of Registered Offenders Against Children has been disclosed.

      For your convenience the Federal Decency Act, Federal Sexual Exploitation laws, New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine statutes on Child Pornography/exploitation have been included here.

      Federal Sexual Exploitation and Other Abuse of Children

      Communications Decency Act

      NH Child Pornography Law

      VT Sexual Exploitation of Children Law

      ME Sexual Exploitation of Minors Law


      Links for Law Enforcement:


      U.S. Customs

      Vermont Internet Crimes Task Force

      Center for Missing and Exploited Children

    • City of Keene Community Night

      The Keene Police Department, in conjunction with other City of Keene Departments, held a Community Night on August 22, 2018. 

      The event was at the Public Works and the Keene Police Department complex on Marlboro Street, where City vehicles and equipment were staged for viewing and interaction. There were tours of the Police Department and other city department displays were set up inside the Blasto's Room, off the lobby of the Police Department.

      The event was attended by many citizens and enjoyed by all.

      Our next open house will be announced on this page as well as on our Facebook page.

    • Report Power Outages (Eversource)

    • Civilian Response to Active Shooter

    • Senior Scams: The Complete Guide

      Every year, roughly 7 million adults 65 and older fall victim to senior scams, according to data from Comparitech. The best way to avoid losing money or confidential information to a scammer is by learning to recognize the different types of fraud and when you may be the target.

      Below are two helpful sites to review;

      Scam, Fraud Alerts - Protect Your Digital Identity (


  • FAQs

    • My job requires me to be fingerprinted. Does Keene Police do fingerprinting?

      The hours for fingerprinting are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. (Fingerprinting is not available on Mondays or Fridays).  No appointment is needed - it is a walk-in service during the specified hours.  The fee for Keene residents is $20.00 and non-residents $40.00. We accept cash or check. The check should be made out to City of Keene.


    • How do I obtain a Pistol / Revolver License?

      Concealed carry is legal in NH without a permit, however, Pistol/Revolver Licenses (PRLs) can be issued to residents for reciprocity purposes.

      An application for a license to carry a concealed/loaded pistol/revolver may be obtained through the Records Division or directly from our web site for Keene residents only. City of Keene residents should submit the application to the Records Division at K.P.D. Once submitted, the process takes 14 business days. If the application is denied, the applicant will receive written notification of the reason for such denial. The Records Division will not call you with the status of the license. You may call the Records Division at 357-9815 after 14 days to see if the license has been issued. A copy of a valid driver's or non-driver's ID will be required when you pick up the license. A $10.00 fee is due when you pick up your license. The Records Division is open weekdays from 8:00 AM until 3:30 PM.

      If you are a New Hampshire Pistol/Revolver License holder traveling to another state and wish to carry a concealed weapon using your New Hampshire license, contact that state directly to confirm their recognition status before carrying concealed weapons there. It is extremely important that all license holders be aware of the laws and requirements of all reciprocating states when visiting/traveling. Possession of a license does not supersede any other state's laws or license requirements. License holders are subject to the laws of the state they are visiting.

    • Who is authorized to receive an accident report?

      Currently, those authorized by RSA 260:14 to receive reports include an owner, operator, passenger of a vehicle involved in said accident, pedestrian hit by a vehicle in said accident, owner of property damaged in said accident, or the insurance company of any of the foregoing parties.  Please note:  Public requests for Accident Reports must be made in person with proof of identity.  Accident Reports cannot be faxed or emailed.  Appropriate fees are charged for the release of all Accident Reports.

    • How do I obtain a copy of a Police Report?

      Please contact the Records Division prior to coming in for a copy of any report. (603)357-9815. We will be happy to check if the report is completed and if there are any restrictions for its release.

    • How do I collect on a bad check?


      NH RSA 638:4 - Issuing Bad Checks - reads, in part:  "...It is an affirmative defense that the actor [issuer] paid the amount of the check, together with all costs and protest fees, to the person to whom it was due, within 14 days after having received notice that payment was refused.  The actor's failure to make payment within 14 days after receiving notice that payment was refused shall be prima facie evidence of a violation..." 

      As a result, in accordance with the law, you should initially:

      • Send a certified or registered letter to the issuer at the address shown on the check. 
      • Send the certified or registered letter with a Return Receipt requested.
      • Describe the check in the letter and demand payment and any related charges in full within 14 days.  Do not accept partial payments or enter into a time payment agreement.  Such payments or agreements damage possible criminal prosecution if the issuer does not live up to the agreement.
      • In the letter advise the issuer that you will turn the matter over to the Keene Police Department for prosecution if you do not receive payment in full within 14 days.
      • If you do not receive your money in full, report the matter to the Police Department immediately.  Don't wait another day longer.  Time can be of the essence in some criminal investigations.

      Because the Keene Police Department is not a collection agency, once you refer a bad check complaint to us for criminal investigation and possible criminal arrest of the issuer, we respectfully request that you do not subsequently accept payment of the check unless authorized by the investigating officer


      Typically, most checks that are returned by the bank marked NSF (Insufficient Funds) are innocent bookkeeping errors made by the issuer. Checks that are written on closed accounts and returned with the notation "Account Closed" are still covered under the Bad Check statute.  As a rule, a simple phone call to your customer may be enough to rectify the matter. 

      However, all too often, individuals issue checks knowing that there is an insufficient balance in the account.  If you are unable to rectify the matter with a single phone call, there are two processes available to you to attempt to recoup your money:

      • Filing a Small Claims action in the Keene District Court, as provided under RSA 544-B; or,
      • Reporting the matter to the Keene Police Department.

      It is the policy of the Keene Police Department to investigate all bad check cases regardless of the dollar amount.


      • Complete information on the employee or person who accepted the check:  name, address, DOB, SSN, home phone, employment position, etc.
      • The original check.  (You should maintain a copy for your files.)
      • Clear copies of the letter, envelope, the postal receipt and documentation, and the record of or any other communication(s) generated relative to your attempts to collect on the check.
      • Any other business documentation you may have on file, such as courtesy card information, video camera surveillance tapes, etc.

      If you have any additional questions regarding our policy or what you should be doing to limit your exposure, please contact the Keene Police Department at 357-9813.

    • How do I obtain a Domestic Violence Petition (DVP) / Restraining Order?

      You need to apply at the District Court in your City or Town. The order will be faxed to the local police. Advocates are available to help with the process.

      How is the order served?
      The order can only be served in hand (in person) by a police officer. The order can be served at place of employment or residence. The order will be served as timely as possible. All reasonable attempts are made to locate the defendant. The petition is NOT IN EFFECT until served to the defendant. If problems arise prior to service being made, the plaintiff should contact their local authorities and advise them of the problem at hand. Service of the petition will be attempted at that time.

      What happens if an address is not available?
      All un-served restraining orders that do not contain a valid address remain on file at the police station. Officers have access to these orders 24 hours a day should an address become available. The plaintiff is advised to notify the station of any updated information.

      What do I do once it's been served?
      The temporary restrictions must be followed by the defendant and plaintiff until appearance in court. You need to appear in court on the date listed on the petition to address charges. The court then decides whether or not the order will continue or be revoked.

      What if the DVP is not served prior to the court date?
      The plaintiff must still appear in court on the specified date. A hearing cannot be held without the defendant's presence. The court may then issue a new court date and continue the temporary orders.

    • How do I become a Crossing Guard?

      Interested in becoming a Crossing Guard? Please send an e-mail to Lt. Shane Maxfield at for details and an application.

      You may also download an application here, fill it out and bring it to Lt. Maxfield at the Police Department.

      Lt. Maxfield may be reached by calling 603-357-9813 Ext: 7083.

    • My son/daughter runs away from home what can I do?

      A missing or runaway child should be reported to the Keene Police Department immediately. Parents need not wait an amount of time to make a report. Parents should have some information available for the officer when he/she arrives at your home such as, places he/she may run to or who with, state of mind the juvenile may be in, medication prescribed, and current photograph.

    • How do I file a complaint on a member of the Keene Police Department?

      It is the policy of the Keene Police Department to receive and investigate all complaints alleging member misconduct to determine if the allegation(s) are founded and, if so, to hold the member accountable.

      If you would like to file a complaint against any member of the Keene Police Department, please call 603-357-9813 or come to the Police Department and speak with the on-duty shift supervisor. 

Keene Police CALEA Accredited