City Hall, Keene, NH

Preparing Before A Storm

"Prepare for Extremely Cold Weather Temperatures in New Hampshire" - Posted January 19, 2025 - New Hampshire Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management

As we respond to severe weather events, it is important to make sure you are prepared. Please call 911 to report emergencies or request emergency assistance, and take steps to be prepared for extreme weather and power outages.

Check the Forecast: provides a step-by-step plan to prepare for disasters and emergencies, including having the following minimum supplies prepared in advance: water, food, battery-powered radio, flashlight, first aid kit, extra batteries, etc. Visit for a thorough list of recommended preparedness supplies, and take time to check on elderly neighbors and others who may need assistance during extreme weather.

Being #WinterReady means understanding winter risks and taking steps now to prepare: Winter-Ready page

The Keene Public Library at 60 Winter Street is heated and is open to the public during their operating hours: 10am to 6pm on Monday and Friday, 10am to 8pm Tuesday through Thursday, and 10am to 3pm on Saturday. 

Please take time now to prepare in advance for severe weather, and stay safe. identifies home heating safety as an important winter readiness step

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