
Public Works

Household Hazardous Waste Information

Spring 2025 HHW Collection Schedule

The City of Keene has coordinated with our contractor, North Ward Environmental Services, for mover's Household Hazardous Waste collection dates over the winter months (once per month). For more information on proof needed and dates available please email Mike Hartness at

HHW Pricing/General Information: 

Limit 10 gallons of household hazardous waste per vehicle

If your city/town is on the list there is no fee required - please contact your city/town offices, many offer a reimbursement for these services. 

If your city/town is not on the list the fees are as follows:

  • Up to 10 Gallons: $100
  • Over 10 Gallons, Up to 20 Gallons: $200
  • Over 20 Gallons, Up to 50 Gallons: $500

The average household throws 15.5 pounds of hazardous materials into the trash each year. Household hazardous materials are disposed of in other ways too. Certain products, such as used oil, are sometimes poured down storm drains and many products end up going down the sink drain into septic systems or sewers.

Flammable or reactive household chemicals can release toxic fumes or even explode if they are mixed together in the trash, causing fires or injuries. Dumping solvents into septic systems or landfills may contaminate ground and surface waters, ruining drinking water and killing fish and wildlife. Pesticides can damage sewage treatment plants, and oil poured into storm drains can flow directly into streams and ponds.

Don't let these things happen in your community. Be a good neighbor.

  • Allowed

    Products marked flammable, combustible, poison, toxic, corrosive, caustic, reactive, irritant, hazardous, and oxidizer are all dangerous. 

    Mercury containing products:

    • Compact fluorescent light bulbs
    • Mercury vapor
    • High pressure sodium
    • Metal Halide
    • Thermostats
    • Thermometers
    • Mercury button cell batteries
    • Switches and relays
    • Heating lamps
  • Not Allowed

    • Empty HHW containers
    • Latex paint - dry out and dispose with your regular trash
    • Makeup and toiletries - dispose with your regular trash
    • Fireworks/Flares/Ammunition/Gun Powder - Call NH State Police and leave a message 603-223-8590
    • Medications - Bring to Keene Police Department, CVS, or Walgreens  for disposal
    • Smoke Detectors - Contact the manufacturer for proper disposal or bring to the next Household Hazardous Waste for proper disposal.

    If you are not sure, bring item to the next Household Hazardous Waste Collection.

For State of NH Asbestos Information please visit their website.  The City of Keene Recycling Center can not take any asbestos waste. The State of NH Department of Environmental Services has a list of Licensed Asbestos Disposal Site Contractors.

For more information on asbestos disposal please visit:
