Committee Charge: Oversee the Development of a comprehensive Safety Action Plan for the City of Keene.
Elizabeth Dragon Keene City Manager Ockle Johnson Keene State College Erin Roark SAU 29 J.B. Mack Southwest Regional Planning Commission Frank Linnenbringer NHDOT, District 4 Autumn DelaCroix Keene Bicycle/Pedestrian Path Advisory Committee Fred Roberge Member, NH Governor's Commission on Disability William Lambert NHDOT Highway Safety Section Laura Tobin Keene City Councilor Debbie Bowie Keene Resident
Project Overview
The Roadway Safety Plan Committee is charged with overseeing the development of a comprehensive Roadway Safety Action Plan for the City of Keene, including:
- Provide guidance and general direction to City of Keene staff and engineering consultants as they collect and analyze roadway safety data and generate draft work product.
- Ensure that the plan development process provides for the equitable representation of all roadway users and stakeholders and that the final document addresses the diverse needs of those groups.
- Assist in the development of specific roadway safety improvement priorities and recommendations.
Ultimately, the Committee will make a recommendation to the City Council with respect to the adoption of the draft plan and a roadway safety performance goal.