Special Reports
Annual Vehicle Operation Reports
Motor vehicle pursuits are a necessary part of police work. Because of the potential danger involved in pursuits, Department policy requires that a review and analysis of all pursuits involving Keene Police Officers is conducted each calendar year. This is done to evaluate our field performance, compliance with law and policy, and to identify trends or training needs that may be missed when looking at pursuits individually. The report for calendar year 2008 was expanded to include a review of accidents involving police vehicles and citizen complaints regarding the operation or parking of police vehicles.
Annual Pursuit and Vehicle Operation Report CY-2023
Annual Pursuit and Vehicle Operation Report CY-2022
Annual Pursuit and Vehicle Operation Report CY-2021
Annual Pursuit and Vehicle Operation Report CY-2020
Annual Pursuit and Vehicle Operation Report CY-2019
Annual Pursuit and Vehicle Operation Report CY-2018
Use of Force
State law authorizes police officers to use force in the performance of their duties. The State law also requires that no more force be used than is necessary or reasonable to accomplish a lawful task. To track and evaluate when and how Keene Police Officers use force a use of force report is completed whenever force is used by an on-duty police officer and an annual review and analysis of all such reports is conducted each calendar year. This is done to evaluate our field performance, compliance with law and policy and to identify trends or training needs that may be missed when looking at use of force incidents individually.
Summary of Citizen Complaints
It is the policy of the Keene Police Department to receive and investigate all complaints alleging member misconduct to determine if the allegations are sustained and, if so, to take appropriate action.
The general procedure is that all complaints against the department or its members will first be referred to the on-duty shift commander. If the complaint falls within the criteria established for a supervisory resolution, the matter should be resolved at the supervisory level. If the complaint falls within the criteria established for an internal investigation, then the supervisor should complete the preliminary steps and forward the complaint to the Police Chief for further action. In all cases, complaints should be resolved as soon as possible at the lowest level possible without compromising the quality of the investigation or resolution.
A statistical summary is compiled each year to provide us with an overview of the nature of and scope of citizen complaints and any trends or special concerns that may become apparent.
CY 2023 Statistical Summary of Citizen Complaints/Internal Investigations
CY 2022 Statistical Summary of Citizen Complaints/Internal Investigations
CY 2021 Statistical Summary of Citizen Complaints/Internal Investigations
CY 2020 Statistical Summary of Citizen Complaints/Internal Investigations
CY 2019 Statistical Summary of Citizen Complaints/Internal Investigations
CY 2018 Statistical Summary of Citizen Complaints/Internal Investigations
CY 2017 Statistical Summary of Citizen Complaints/Internal Investigations
CY 2016 Statistical Summary of Citizen Complaints/Internal Investigations
Recruitment Analysis
It is the policy of the Keene Police Department to actively conduct a recruitment program to fill all vacant positions as quickly as possible, using validated methods and instruments, and ensuring positions are filled with the most qualified candidates while balancing the ethnic/gender composition of sworn members with the ethnic/gender composition of the available workforce in the community.
2023 Annual Recruitment Analysis
2022 Annual Recruitment Analysis
2021 Annual Recruitment Analysis
2020 Annual Recruitment Analysis
2019 Annual Recruitment Analysis