Financial Documents

The Finance Department assists the City Manager in the development and preparation of the annual Operating Budget and the Capital Improvements Program and coordinates and oversees the annual audit.
The City Council reviews and updates the City’s fiscal policy annually. The policy outlines the guidelines and requirements that shape how the City manages its financial resources.
Operating Budget
Each year, the City Manager prepares a budget proposal for the following funds: General Fund, Parking Fund, PC Replacement Fund, Solid Waste Fund, Sewer Fund, Water Fund and Equipment Fund. Included in the budget proposal are capital items already reviewed and endorsed by the City Council during the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) process.
2024-2025 Operating Budget
City Manager’s ’24-’25 Budget Letter to the City Council
2024-2025 Citizen’s Budget Guide (Budget Brief)
2023-2024 Operating Budget
2023-2024 Citizen’s Budget Guide (Budget Brief)
Capital Improvement Program
The City of Keene identifies its anticipated capital expenditures each year in a seven-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The CIP has two major components: the Capital Budget, which is the first two years of the program (as of 2021), and the Capital Plan, which is represented by the remaining five years. Once the CIP has been adopted by the City Council, the first two years of the Capital Budget is automatically presented in the next Operating Budget proposal. This process allows each of the capital projects to be fully discussed and also gives a clear indication of the operating impact each will have on property taxes, water rates, and sewer rates.
- 2025-2031 Capital Improvement Program
- 2023-2029 Capital Improvement Program
- 2021-2027 Capital Improvement Program
- 2020-2025 Capital Improvement Program
- 2019-2024 Capital Improvement Program
- 2018-2023 Capital Improvement Program
- 2017-2022 Capital Improvement Program
- 2016-2021 Capital Improvement Program
- 2015-2020 Capital Improvement Program