Front of the Keene public library building

Keene Public Library


The library welcomes new volunteers! Volunteers are essential to the quality service that the library offers.

Days and hours are usually flexible. You decide when you want to work, but we ask volunteers to commit to at least three months of service. 

Adult Volunteers:

All adult volunteers must provide references and pass a background check. Forms and instructions for volunteers 18 years of age and older are available in a Volunteer Information Packet available at the library. Contact Susan Bloom at 603-352-0157. (KPL Volunteer Policy)

Youth Volunteers:

If you are a teen between 14 and 18please call Eleanor Green at 603-352-0157. To volunteer, we will need a completed New Hampshire Youth Employment Certificate. (To get a certificate, you need to pick up a signed form at the library and then take the form and a birth certificate to Keene High School). We will also need a completed VolunTeen application, which you can pick up at the library. Unfortunately, if you are under 14, you can not volunteer at the Keene Public Library.


If you wish to intern at the library, there is a separate process. The library welcomes interns, but we rarely have paid internship opportunities at the Keene Public Library. Please contact Amy Kraemer at 603-352-0157 to discuss internship possibilities and for more information about the process.