Library building

Keene Public Library


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Keene Public Library is your place for community and learning.


The Board of Trustees of the Keene Public Library has adopted the following policies which it intends to follow in governing the Keene Public Library. These policies may be amended at any duly-called meeting of the Board of Trustees, by majority vote of those Trustees present and voting.

Animals in the Library

Behavioral Expectations

Borrowing Policy

Bulletin Board Policy

Collection Development Policy

Confidentiality of Library Records

Emergency Operations Policy

Finances & Investment Policy

Internet Acceptable Use Policy

Library of Things, Garden Tools, and Outdoor Gear Library Collections Policy

Makerspace Policy

Mobile Hotspots

Non-Monetary Gift Policy

Notary Services

Photography, Recording and Videography Policy

Program & Outreach Policy

Public-Initiated Display Policy

Request for Reconsideration

Review of Non-Public Minutes

Services of the Library

Social Media Policy

Staff Membership in Organizations

Unattended Vulnerable Persons Policy

Use of Library Space Policy


  • General Library Objectives

    1.001  To assemble, preserve and administer, in organized collections, books and related educational, historical and recreational materials in order to promote knowledge, enlightened citizenship and the enrichment of personal lives.

    1.002  To serve as the information center of the community.

    1.003  To provide the opportunity for continuous self-education of children, young people and adults.

    1.004  To identify with community needs, to provide programs of service to meet such needs, and to cooperate with other organizations, agencies, and institutions which can provide local programs or services.

    1.005  To cooperate with the school district libraries to strengthen community resources.

    1.006  To provide opportunity for a more advantageous use of leisure time through books, audiovisual materials, programs, and other art forms and formats.

    1.007  To inform the public of Library objectives and services, and encourage use and support of the Library by maintaining good public relations throughout the community.

  • General Policies Governing Use of Premises

    4.001  No alcoholic beverages are to be consumed on Library premises except by prior approval of City Clerk.

    4.002  With the exceptions of the staff rooms and approved spaces no food or beverages are to be consumed on Library premises except by permission of the Library Director or by specific vote of the Board of Trustees designating the time and location.

    4.003  No smoking is permitted on Library premises.

    4.004  Any person or group of persons failing to comply with regulations governing the use of the Library premises may be disallowed further use of the same. [See also Library Rules of Behavior]

    4.005  No organization or individual shall be permitted to solicit donations in the Library.

    4.006  Political information may be distributed only in the Library’s lobby area. Political discussions and meetings are limited to the Library’s approved spaces.

    4.007  Except for seeing eye/helper dogs, no animals or other pets shall be allowed in any part of the Library, unless the animals are part of a scheduled presentation.

  • Use of the Youth Department and Teen Room

    5.001  The Keene Public Library offers the following guidelines to ensure a welcoming and comfortable environment for children, their parents and guardians, and other adults doing research with children's literature.

                (a)  All Youth Department restrooms, furniture, equipment, materials, and services, including the use of the Internet, are intended for the use of young people under the age of 14 and others needing children's materials and services.  See 15.000, Internet Access Policy.

                 (b) Priority will be given to the youth department's targeted age and others may be asked to relocate to other areas of the library.

       5.002  The Keene Public Library offers the following guidelines to ensure a welcoming and comfortable environment for teenagers, their parents and guardians, and other adults doing research with young adult literature.

                (a) All Teen Room furniture, equipment, materials, and services, including the use of the Internet, are intended for the use of young people between and including the ages of 11 and 19 or those enrolled in the equivalent of grades 6 through 12. See 15.000, Internet Access Policy.

                (b) Priority will be given to the room's targeted age and others may be asked to relocate to other areas of the library.

  • Friends of the Keene Public Library

    11.001  The Board of Trustees endorses the Friends of the Keene Public Library. A member of the Board of Trustees may be a liaison on the Board of the Friends of the Keene Public Library. The Trustees concur with the policy of a Friends organization set forth in New Hampshire Library Trustees Handbook which states: “Friends of the library working in cooperation with the trustees and librarian provide valuable support and assistance in the local Library Program. Friends are volunteers who form a non-profit organization to bring about public awareness of the Library, its resources, service to the community, and needs. They advocate and support programs to improve and expand good library service in the community.”

  • Membership in Organizations

    12.001  Memberships in Library Organizations

    All Trustees are encouraged to become members of: New Hampshire Library Trustees Association (NHLTA), Association of New Hampshire Library Friends (ANHLF), and the New Hampshire Library Association (NHLA)

    12.002  Membership in Civic, Service and Business Organizations

    The Library as an organization will not be a member of the Chamber of Commerce or other civic organizations. Members of the Library Staff may belong to such organizations as individuals and participate in their programs.

  • Personnel

    14.001  Unless voted to the contrary by the Board of Trustees, the Library will follow the City of Keene’s Employment Handbook.

    14.002  The Board of Trustees may establish such rules and regulations for the government and management of the Library as they may deem advisable.

    14.003  The Library Director shall be the executive head of the Library and shall be responsible to the Board of Trustees. The Library Director shall have charge of the administration of the Library, subject to the control of the Board of Trustees, and shall be responsible for the efficiency of the Library service to the public, shall have charge of the employment and direction of the staff and shall be in charge of the operation of the Library, all subject to the supervision and approval of the Board of Trustees.

    14.004  Salary scales and classification shall be made, at the discretion of the Board of Trustees, in accordance with the established Salary Plan for the City of Keene, and these shall be developed in cooperation with the City Manager, or designated representative. Any change in amounts, range designations, or positions may be made by an amending ordinance.

    14.005  No member of a Trustee’s family may be employed by the Library.

    14.006  Whenever it becomes necessary to reduce the staff of the Keene Public Library the following criteria, in the order of priority hereinafter stated, shall govern such reduction in staff:

    (a) the need of the Library for particular skills and experience. 
    (b) the education, training and experience of the staff members.
    (c) the seniority of the staff member.

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