Monadnock View Cemetery Spring

Parks, Trails & Recreation


Looking for a loved one?

To search Keene's Cemeteries, please click here.

  • Cemetery Brochure

    For questions regarding Cemetery fees and guidelines start here!

  • Keene Municipal Cemeteries

    • Ash Swamp Cemetery
      Entrance off West Street on southeast side of Ash Swamp Brook adjoining Keene Country Club
    • North Cemetery
      Entrance at Junction of East Surry Road and Court Street
    • Greenlawn Cemetery
      Entrance of Greenlawn Street
    • Hurricane Cemetery
      Entrance off Hurricane Road
    • Monadnock View Cemetery (Active burials)
      Entrance off Park Avenue and includes Veterans' and Hebrew Cemetery sections
    • Washington Cemetery
      Entrance off Washington Street
    • West Cemetery
      Entrance off Bradford Road
    • Woodland Cemetery
      Entrance off Beaver Street
    • Woodland Northeast (NE) Division
      Entrance off N. Lincoln Street