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Internet Acceptable Use Policy


Before using the internet you must read the policy below.
It is understood that in accessing the internet, you agree to follow the Library's
Internet Acceptable Use Policy.
Violations may result in the loss of internet privileges.


Use of Library public computers or the wireless network constitutes agreement to abide by this Internet Acceptable Use Policy.

This Policy is to be used in conjunction with the Library's Rules of Behavior, other Library policies, and federal, state, and local laws and regulations concerning use of the Internet and computing resources. This Policy applies to all devices connected to the Library network.

If any patron disregards this Policy, and is repeatedly required to terminate his or her session(s), that patron's right to use of the Internet may be revoked. Failure to comply with Library policies and procedures will result in Library penalties that range from being asked to leave for the day up to and including permanent denial of physical access to the library. The Library reserves the right to seek financial redress if a user’s behavior results in damages to the Library equipment or network.

The Library offers public access to the Internet as part of its commitment to meet the cultural, informational, and educational needs of the community but does not monitor the Internet or have control over the information accessible through the Internet. Library users access the Internet at their own discretion.

Wireless Internet access (Wi-Fi) is provided without encryption or Wi-Fi password throughout the Library. The Library is not responsible for any downloaded virus, malware or other potentially damaging programs or the effect of said downloads, data loss, or loss of privacy users may incur as a result of logging into or using our Wi-Fi network.

Library computers and the wireless network may not be used for any purpose that violates federal, state, or local laws, or Library policies. Prohibited use includes but is not limited to:

  • "hacking" or otherwise attempting unauthorized use of the Library, City or other networks;
  • attempting to interfere with or disrupt other users;
  • attempting to evade security measures;
  • invading the privacy of other users;
  • violation of copyright laws;
  • violating software license agreements;
  • sending harassing, threatening or libelous messages or material;
  • accessing illegal materials including those that are obscene or harmful to minors, or for any illegal or fraudulent actions.

Use of the public access computers in the Youth Department and Teen Room is limited to young people under the age of 18 years, adults with caretakers, and caretakers assisting people using the youth and teen collections.

As with other Library materials, restriction of a child’s access to the Internet is the responsibility of the parent/legal guardian. The Keene Public Library does not use Internet filtering software.

There are times when viewing otherwise legal materials may be inappropriate or when the behavior of those using the Internet may not be appropriate. User behavior which attracts the attention of others to sexually explicit images depicted on the screen or in copies made on Library printers is forbidden. The Library staff reserves the right to address such use of the Internet or behavior by requiring a patron to terminate his or her session.

Library staff will assist users with the Internet as time permits but cannot offer personal instruction. In-depth help on some topics may be offered by appointment.

Patrons wishing to use a public access internet computer must check in with staff at the area service desk. The Library uses computer management software but does not require or keep personal information about users. Library security software deletes all Internet history and activity between user sessions. No records are kept of patron Internet sessions.

A Keene Public Library card is not required for public computer use. A Library card is required to check out laptops which are available for use within the library.

Patrons may not store personal information or documents on Library computers and the Library is not responsible for maintaining patron files, documents, or individual website logins.

The Library reserves the right to set computer session and time limits in order to ensure equal opportunity of access for everyone.

The Library is a public space. We cannot guarantee privacy of documents and images visible on public computer screens or printed on public computers.

Adopted September 28, 2021

Please note:  The City of Keene gets its Internet service from Spectrum.  They have their own Acceptable Use Policy.

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