Trustees of Trust Funds and Cemetery Trusts are the custodian of the City's perpetual care funds, charitable trusts, privately donated funds, and capital reserve/expendable trust funds. They act in a fiduciary capacity and make decisions regarding expenditure from these funds based on the wishes of the donor in the case of privately donated funds and release capital reserve funds and expendable trust funds to the appropriate City officials upon request and make the decisions on how these funds are to be invested, based upon the statutes and the investment policies adopted by the Trustees.
Active Members
First Name Last Name Type Term Expires 1. Allen Mendelson Regular 12/31/2026 2. Martha Curtis Regular 12/31/2027 3. Marilyn Gemmell Regular 12/31/2025 4. Michelle Howard Regular 12/31/2025 5. Malcom Katz Regular 12/31/2027 Last updated: 01/06/2025
Minutes are posted after they have been adopted by the public body. If you do not see the set of minutes you need on the website, please contact the City Clerk’s Office.
Staff Liaison
Sherry Miller
Finance: 603-352-1013
Meetings are generally held the third Wednesday of each month at 9:30 AM in the 2nd Floor Conference Room of Keene City Hall.