Meetings are generally held the second Wednesday of each month at 8:15 AM in the 2nd Floor Conference Room at City Hall.
View the City Calendar to confirm the date and time of the next meeting.
Active Members
First Name Last Name Type Term Expires 1 Samantha Jackson Regular 12/31/2026 2 Autumn DelaCroix Regular 12/31/2025 3 Rowland Russell Regular 12/31/2025 4 Jan Manwaring Regular 12/31/2025 5 Edward Haas Regular 12/31/2026 6 Michael Davern Regular 12/31/2025 7 Dwight Fischer Regular 12/31/2027 8 Charles Redfern Alternate 12/31/2025 9 Diana Duffy Alternate 12/31/2025 10 Vacant Position Alternate 12/31/2025 11 Vacant Position Alternate 12/31/2025 12 Vacant Position Alternate 12/31/2025 Last Updated: 02/07/2025
Minutes are posted after they have been adopted by the public body. If you do not see the set of minutes you need on the website, please contact the City Clerk’s Office.
Committee Charge
Promotes communication and exchange of ideas and concerns among users of the city's bicycle/pedestrian paths and facilities, city staff and the city council; Makes reports and recommendations to the city council and city staff with respect to the development and management of bicycle/pedestrian facilities; Serve as an advocate for the interest of the city's bicycle/pedestrian infrastructure; Assist the city with publicity for the bicycle/pedestrian system; Coordinate and assist the City in the preparation and adoption of an up-to-date bicycle/pedestrian master plan as well as assist in the preparation of grant applications and pursue the means to implement the city's bicycle/pedestrian master plan; Promote the safe and convenient enjoyment of the city's bicycle/pedestrian paths and facilities through safety/educational programs and activities, community events and clinics, and other activities as necessary.
Further Information:
Staff Liaison
Will Schoefmann: 603-352-5440