Keene city hall

Planning Board

  • Planning Board Applications

  • Active Members

      First Name Last Name Type Term Expires
    1 Sarah  Vezzani Regular 12/31/2026
    2 Harold Farrington Regular 12/31/2024
    3 Ryan Clancy Regular 12/31/2025
    4 Roberta Mastrogiovanni Regular 12/31/2026
    5 Kenneth Kost Regular 12/31/2025
    6 Armando Rangel Regular 12/31/2025
    7 Jay Kahn Mayor 12/31/2025
    8 Position Vacant Staff 12/31/2021
    9 Michael Remy Councilor 12/31/2025
    10 Stephon Mehu Alternate 12/31/2026
    11 Randyn Markelon Alternate 12/31/2026
    12 Tammy Adams Alternate 12/31/2026
    13 Michael  Hoefer Alternate 12/31/2026
    14 Position Vacant Alternate 12/31/2024
      Last updated: 05/06/2024    
  • Planning Boad Presubmission Meeting

    The Planning Board's Pre-submission Meeting is generally scheduled to take place on the 1st Thursday of each month in the Conference Room on the 2nd Floor of Keene City Hall, unless otherwise noted on the City calendar. Please contact City staff in the Community Development Department to schedule time on the Pre-submission Meeting Agenda. Walk-ins are accepted. 

    The pre-submission meeting is an opportunity for potential applicants to discuss questions and review draft plans with City staff in the Community Development, Public Works, Fire, and Police Departments prior to submitting a formal application to the City for development review. This meeting is advisory only. 

    Please note:  Applicants for a Major Site Plan or Subdivision Application must attend some form of a pre-submission meeting with City staff in advance of application submission. 



  • Master Plan

    The current master plan for the City of Keene was adopted by the Planning Board on Monday, September 13, 2010.

    View the 2010 Comprehensive Master Plan.

    In December 2023, the Planning Board established a Steering Committee to help guide an update to the Master Plan over the next 12-18 months. More information about this committee can be found on the Master Plan Steering Committee webpage. The project website is

    What is a Master Plan?

    A Master Plan is a long-range plan for a community that provides guidance for city-wide growth and development patterns, investments, and initiatives. It provides the foundation for determining effective public policy, master planning, and land use decisions for the future. In addition, it serves as the guiding policy document for many of the City’s most critical decisions, such as redevelopment decisions, zoning changes, and capital investments. A Master Plan should reflect the needs, values, and priorities of the community while safeguarding the City’s sense of place, history, and natural resources.

    Why is the Master Plan Important?

    While the Master Plan is not a legal document, it does provide the legal basis for zoning and other land use regulations. In New Hampshire, a Master Plan with a Vision Section and a Future Land Use Section is required in order for a local community to enact zoning, establish a capital improvement program, or adopt a historic district. The Master Plan also establishes the legal standing for implementation of ordinances and other planning board regulations. State statute recommends that communities update their master plans every 5-10 years.

Minutes are posted after they have been adopted by the public body.  If you do not see the set of minutes you need on the website, please contact the City Clerk’s Office.

Further Information

Planning Board Regulations (Article 20- Subdivision Regulations, Article 21 - Site Development Standards, Article 26 - Application Procedures of Ch. 100 Land Development Code)

Planning Board Rules of Procedure (Adopted 8/22/2022)

Planning Board Handbook

Land Development Code Fee Schedule

Planning Board Application Schedule

View Meeting Videos


Staff Support

Mari Brunner, Senior Planner

Evan Clements, Planner

Megan Fortson, Planner

Emily Duseau, Planning Technician

p: 603-352-5440


The Planning Board generally meets on the 4th Monday of each month at 6:30 pm.  Click here to view the City Meetings calendar.

2024 Meeting Schedule