Railroad intersection

Downtown Project

Current Phase: Final Design Approved – Construction to begin in spring 2026

In July of 2023, the City Council adopted the “Multilane Hybrid” conceptual design for the Downtown Infrastructure Improvement Project. The Preliminary Design (see presentation slides) was then created (and approved by the City Council in July 2024) using the Multilane Hybrid concept to develop the detailed plans and specifications required for construction.  The approved preliminary design was used to conduct a thorough infrastructure technical analysis that informed the final design that was presented to the City Council’s MSFI committee on December 18th, 2024. 

Detailed background information is posted online on the consultant’s website, including utility infrastructure analysis, design concepts, full presentations, traffic and pedestrian analyses, tree study findings, and more.  Use the links at the top of this page to view detailed background information for each of the concepts and designs.

The Keene Downtown area is the economic engine for the community and represents the spirit and place of Keene. It is critically important to continue investment in the Downtown to support local businesses and the broader community and keep the area relevant and vibrant.  Much of Keene’s downtown underground infrastructure has aged beyond its useful life including water, sanitary sewer, stormwater, electrical, telecommunication and gas – some of which date back to over 120 years. The last major downtown revitalization occurred in 1988. The need for utility improvements is critical and is now a top priority.  (View the 1884 survey of the Central Square water system.)

Keene Public Works, (603) 352-6550
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Project Status

Final Design Approved – On January 2, 2025, The City Council reviewed and approved the final design of the project.  At its January 16, 2025 meeting, the City Council then voted to bid the downtown infrastructure project in the fall of 2025 with construction in 2026 (thus delaying the project one year) and to pursue funding for all phases of the project through the Federal Raise Grant.  

On December 18th, 2024, City staff reviewed the final project design at the City Council’s MSFI Committee public meeting.  The final design considers the project features and elements and is the product of a thorough infrastructure technical analysis that commenced upon City Council’s approval of the preliminary design

The final design presentation included a review of options for elements such as:  Sidewalk materials, bike lane delineations, raised crosswalk materials, bicycle racks, trash receptacles, hydrant styles, planting bed styles, surface treatments around trees, street lights, power pedestals, light bollards, catenary light styles, leaning rails, Railroad Square surface materials and shade structure, Railroad Square track motif, gateway arch design, Central Square path materials, and bench styles.

The design team also reviewed the project Phasing Plan and traffic control plans including work restrictions such as number of parking spaces to be taken out of service to accommodate the work, work hours, utility disruptions, etc.  Methods planned to support downtown residents and businesses were reviewed including a project ombudsman, monthly MSFI Committee updates, monthly “coffee and hardhats” meetings, use of variable message boards for advance notifications, weekly project update email, and accommodations for downtown events.

The City’s consultant will prepare the bid documents this fall (2025) to be advertised for construction.  

Construction is now expected to begin in May of 2026.

MSFI Meetings

March 13, 2024, 5:30 PM, Focus Area: Main Street Streetscape
Presentation Slides
April 24, 2024, 5:30 PM, Focus Area: Gilbo Avenue/Railroad Square
Presentation Slides
May 8, 2024, 5:30 PM, Focus Area: Central Square
Presentation Slides
May 22, 2024, 6:00 PM
Presentation Slides
June 11, 2024, 7:00 PM
Presentation Slides
June 26, 2024, 6:00 PM
Presentation Slides

A Council Workshop took place June 11th, 2024.  The full council reviewed the draft preliminary design plan, as it has been developed and refined through a series of public workshops and MSFI project update meetings.  Although no formal council action regarding the design occurred at this workshop, Councilors reviewed the complete project scope and provided input to the design team.
Presentation Slides

Public Workshops – Complete (March, April, and May, 2024)

11/5/2024 Project Update

1/19/2024 Project Update


Design Documents

60% Design Plans (January 2025)
Proposed Final Design Presentation (MSFI, 12/18/24)

Preliminary Design (City Council, 7/18/2024)

Other Documents

RAISE/BUILD Grant Applications

Climate Resiliency

Downtown Studies & Reports

Economic Development

Mobility & Connectivity

Policies & Standards

Related Projects, Initiatives and Studies

Economic Development Action Plan

Neighborhood Parking Report
