Library building

NH Gives is matching donations from 5pm June 11 to 5pm June 12: 24 HOURS ONLY!

NH Gives is matching donations from 5pm June 11 to 5pm June 12: 24 HOURS ONLY!

Keene Public Library has provided a summer lunch program for the last decade. Last year we served nearly 2,000 meals! 

This year, the USDA grant was unable to provide meals in our region, so we are looking to our community to help. The Community Kitchen and Monadnock Understands Childhood Hunger are helping us to keep the summer lunches running. We're asking you to donate what you can using the link below for NH Gives. You donation will be matched for 24 hours.


What Summer Lunch Means

These meals are vital to families who rely on the schools' free and reduced lunch program. Over time, the library also added meals for adults to our program. Multiple times, children refused to eat because they knew their parents were hungry too. In response, for the last six years the library provides a meal to anyone, in a welcoming environment that provides activities and access to information

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