The Keene City Clerk's Office is privileged to be the repository for a collection of artifacts belonging to the Ingersoll Family. Ms. Caroline Ingersoll donated a collection of unique family relics known as the "Ingersoll Collection" to the City of Keene in 1898, with the understanding that the items would be kept in perpetuity and periodically displayed for the enjoyment of the public. Caroline was the last member of this long-standing Keene family and her collection brings to mind the wonderfully rich history of Keene. Pieces of the collection include: Signed military documents, Wedgwood jasperware, porcelain china, hair jewelry and antique furniture.
In addition to the Ingersoll Collection, the City Clerk's office also displays historical exhibits in the Ingersoll cabinets for public viewing in the City Hall Lobby. These items come to the City through partnerships with local residents, businesses, and the Historical Society of Cheshire County.