Photo of Snow Plow Truck on Main Street in Keene

Public Works

Winter Weather Parking Ban Q&A

New Winter Parking Rules - Questions and Answers

When do the new rules start?
The new rules are in effect now.  Overnight, on-street parking is no longer banned every day between November and April like it was in previous years.  It will only be banned when inclement weather is forecast and a Winter Weather Parking Ban notice has been issued by the Public Works Department.

When can I park on the street overnight, and when can I not park on the street overnight?
Vehicles may park on the street overnight (in areas where it is not otherwise prohibited) until the Public Works Department issues a notice that on-street parking will be banned due to forecasted inclement weather.  The notices will be issued at least six hours in advance and will include the start time and date.  After snow clearing operations are complete, the Public Works Department will issue a notice lifting the ban so vehicles may be parked on the street again.

How can I sign up to get notices when on-street parking is banned, and where will the information be posted?
There are email and text (SMS) messaging lists people can sign up for to receive winter parking ban notices electronically.  The web page will also always display the current winter parking status, and City social media posts will be published to notify the public of parking ban status.

Where can I park my vehicle during a winter weather parking ban?
Certain City parking lots will be open to the public for overnight parking.  Maps showing which lots are available on which days/nights  are posted online and linked from the web page.  *Please be careful to park only in public spaces in the parking lots and look for signage that identifies/restricts reserved spaces.  Each lot must be cleared of snow, so the specific lots that are available to the public overnight rotate to accommodate both public parking needs and snow removal operations.

What is a "metered" parking ban?
"Metered" parking refers to any parking spaces that are paid for by the hour with parking meters or parking kiosks (pay stations).  A "Metered Parking Ban" prohibits vehicle parking in any metered space.  There are times when Public Works needs only to clear parking spaces, sidewalks, and roadways in the downtown area.  When that is the case, there is no need to ask people in other areas to remove their vehicles from the street overnight.

I signed up for text messages but I am not receiving them.  Why?
Email and text subscription services require subscribers to confirm their email address or phone number.  Make sure to reply "YES" to the confirmation text message sent to you if you sign up for text notifications - it will state, "City of Keene: Reply YES to recurring news & promo texts.  Msg&data rates may apply.  Terms:..."  If you need to sign up again to get this working, that is fine!

What if my car gets towed? How do I get it back?
Call the Keene Police Department at (603) 357-9813. Vehicles parked on the street or in incorrect parking lots during a parking ban may be ticketed or towed.

What will happen if a vehicle is left parked on the street during a parking ban?
Public Works will use ticketing and towing to gain compliance with this program.  Ample space is needed to effectively clear the streets and parking areas of snow and ice.  Vehicles that are not towed and are left in on-street parking spaces will likely be covered with snow and other debris that is plowed out of the roadway.  Vehicle owners will be responsible for digging out their cars, paying for tickets, and retrieving towed vehicles.

Can I run out to my car when I see the plow truck coming, move my car out of the way, and then return my vehicle to parking in the street?
No. Plow routes, storm intensity, variety and volume of precipitation, and road treatment operations involve more than a pass or two with a snowplow, and safety is a priority.  When the ban is in effect, no on-street parking is allowed at any time until the ban is lifted.

Last updated 2/12/2025

Contact: Keene Public Works, (603) 352-6550