The Marlboro Street Rehabilitation Project is the culmination of a multi-scope effort started in 2014 to revitalize an important corridor within the East side of Keene. Through the work of the Community Development and Public Works Departments, Keene City Council, and community business leaders and stakeholders, the project is now becoming a reality.
If you have questions or concerns about the project, or simply want to get involved, contact the project manager below:
Brett Rusnock, PE
Civil Engineer, City of Keene Public Works
Email: brusnock@ci.keene.nh.us
Phone: 603-352-6550
Project Scope
The project includes upgrades to the existing water, sewer, and stormwater drainage utilities along Marlboro Street. This work will be performed in 2019 following successful receipt of bids in late April.
In 2020 the project will resume with new granite curbing in areas, repair of concrete sidewalks, painted bicycle lanes, intersection safety improvements, repaving and striping the street, and a new bicycle and pedestrian connection between Marlboro Street and the Cheshire Rail Trail.
For more details about the scope and project schedule, see the links below: