The Airport Development and Marketing Committee (f/k/a the Airport Advisory Commission) was established to take a proactive role in the development of the Keene Dillant-Hopkins Airport by collaborating with other city and local economic development efforts to implement the Airport Master Plan; to serve as ambassadors for the airport both locally and regionally, and; to assume primary responsibility in developing and implementing various marketing and public relations programs regarding the benefits of the airport and aviation. These efforts should be aggressive and ongoing.
Active Members
First Name Last Name Type Term Expiration 1 Colin (Bob) Lyle Regular 12/31/2026 2 Peter Temple Regular 12/31/2025 3 Luca Paris Regular 12/31/2025 4 Mitchell Greenwald Regular 12/31/2025 5 Bill Hutwelker Regular 12/31/2020 6 Elizabeth Bendel Regular 12/31/2027 7 Position Vacant Regular 12/31/2024 8 Elizabeth Dragon Ex-Officio Exempt 9 David Hickling Chair Exempt 10 Kristopher Radder Alternate 12/31/2027 11 Nathan Jacobs Alternate 12/31/2027 12 Position Vacant Alternate 13 Position Vacant Alternate Last Updated: 01/06/2025
Minutes are posted after they have been adopted by the public body. If you do not see the set of minutes you need on the website, please contact the City Clerk’s Office.
Further Information
Staff Liaison
David Hickling, Airport Director
Meetings are generally held the fourth Tuesday of each month at 9:00 AM in the Airport Terminal Building.
View the City Calendar to confirm the date and time of the next meeting.