fire dept

8 Glen Road, Keene, Structural Collapse

Date of Incident: July 16, 2024

Time of Call: 1920

First Unit on Scene Time: 1928

Under Control: n/a

Units Back in Quarters: responded from scene to another emergency

Type Incident: Structural Collapse

Assigned Apparatus: Tanker-1, Ambulance-2, Car-4

Number of Keene Personnel Assigned: 5

Mutual Aid Units Assigned: N/A

Type Occupancy: Single-Family Residential

Type of Construction: Wood-Frame

Building Owner: Hodgdon, Luke T. / Ericson, Amanda M.

Injuries Reported: 1-Adult

Summary of Incident:

At approximately 1920 hours on Tuesday, July 16, the Keene Fire Department’s West Keene units were dispatched to 8 Glen Road for a tree into a house with partial structural collapse. While enroute units were advised that one subject had been freed from the home and a 1-year-old was still potentially trapped.

Fortunately, all parties were accounted for upon the arrival of the first KFD units.

The home was assessed, and utilities shut down and secured. The mother and child were in the room where the tree struck the home and were temporarily entrapped in roofing and interior construction materials. Both the mother and child were evaluated by KFD ambulance personnel, the adult female was transported by KFD Ambulance to Cheshire Medical Center for evaluation of non-life threatening injuries, and the child was driven by family.

Estimated Property Loss: Estimated property damage is between 50-75 thousand dollars, though a complete assessment is yet to be performed.

For further information contact:

Gregory Seymour, Act. Deputy Fire Chief

Richard Wood, Fire Marshal