Community Development

Hazard Mitigation Plan Update Public Workshop on February 27th

The City of Keene will host a public workshop for the 2025 Keene Hazard Mitigation Plan Update. Hazard Mitigation Plans help residents and local officials understand what hazards affect the community, the risks of occurrence, the potential impacts, and what steps the community can take to lessen impacts in the future. Join community members at Heberton Hall in the Keene Public Library at 60 Winter Street at 5:30 p.m. on February 27th to learn more about the City’s Hazard Mitigation Plan Update and to participate in several activities. The activities will include identifying hazards, locations where a hazard has occurred and where it might occur in the future, and what actions the community could take to be better prepared. Public input is an essential and important step in this update process.

Contact: Kürt Blomquist,City of Keene Emergency Administrator, (603) 757-1887 or